Press Releases for back pain treatment

  • 886

    Dr. Richard Rhim of Active Orthopedics & Sports Medicine LLC offers a variety of back pain treatment

    Dr. Rhim advocates nonsurgical and minimally invasive techniques for the treatment of back and spine issues

    By : | 09-26-2013 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 886

  • 568

    What is Functional Movement Actually?

    Functional movements take place in multi-planes of motion with the use of multiple joints. Anyone can take advantage of functional movement in simple steps. It shown an incredible gains in strength, balance, decrease in unsustainable pain

    By : | 06-02-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 568

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    U2 resumes concert tour in the US after back surgery sidelines lead singer

    If you want to find out how disruptive back surgery can be, ask Bono, the lead singer of U2. The band had to cancel 16 US tour dates last summer when Bono had emergency back surgery for a herniated disc in his lumbar spine.

    By : | 04-29-2011 | Health and Fitness:Healthcare | Total Views : 610

  • 457

    Get The Best Lower Back Pain Treatment Options At Howtotreatmybackpain.Com

    Lower back pain is commonly experienced by people. In fact, nearly 4 out of every 5 people in America have a lower back pain problem. Understanding how the lower back problem is caused and what steps should be taken to deal with it can help in combating lower back pain. offers a free diagnostic and referral service for those suffering with back pain and sciatica. Free health assessment offered by the website can help in deciding a perfect lower back pain treatment.

    By : | 04-15-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 457

  • 531

    What Will Help You Run Faster, Longer & Injury Free?

    You may be only thinking of your midsection in terms of how it looks in a bathing suit, but when your core muscles are out of shape, you are more at risk for injury. So, get your abs and back in shape AND stay out of rehab with these three, simple exercises!

    By : | 04-01-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 531

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    The 3 Best Exercises For Your Abs & Back!

    The weather is getting cooler, people are becoming more active, PF Chang’s marathon is approaching and lots of people are trying to accomplish a goal of completing a marathon or half-marathon while getting in the best shape of their lives

    By : | 03-23-2011 | Health and Fitness:Health and Fitness | Total Views : 473